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Limana students discuss Gender Equality and Abuse

  • Nigel Akuani


CBC, Gordons: The third Chat Room session held today 27th March, broadcast live on Tribe FM had students of Limana Vocational Centre, Gordons discussing ‘Gender Equality and Abuse’.


The five vibrant young students all in Year 10 shared their views on the topic, as practiced throughout in the country, and gave recommendations on how the issue of Gender Equality and Abuse can best be addressed.


Student Peter Dakai said that from his personal experience, gender equality was happy that his present school Limana is now open to both sexes.  “My school Limana Vocational Center used to be a school for girls only, but this has now changed, and males are now allowed to attend. The school has now given males the opportunity to be educated in a vocational field.” he said.  He also spoke on equal participation needed to be practiced from politics to grass root levels.  “If you look at the country’s politics today, you will see that it is mostly male dominated. There has to be equal participation for both genders”, he added.


Annie Waki shared statistics highlighting the fact that PNG ranks 143rdin the list of Gender equality.


Amelia Miai advised victims to report the matter immediately to the responsible authorities and to consult specialists for counselling. “To reduce abuse, people have to keep away from those who are abusive and report any instance of abuse to the police. Getting help from counsellors and specialists can be of immense help”, she said.


Anita Bruce spoke on abuse and said physical abuse was common in communities and urged for victims not feel afraid but come forward and report the matter. “Physical abuse is experienced everywhere in PNG, from parents bashing their own children, boyfriends bashing their girlfriends and husbands bashing their wives. This is seen everywhere.   The victims need to be brave and report the matter to police.” she said.


The last speaker, Benjamin Silolo said that emotional abuse currently happening, is not the fault of the individual.


Two listeners called in during the show.  Sunny wanted to know if there needs to be reserved seats for women while Dean asked if the barriers are only in the mind.


The presenter of the program was Raymond Polon.  He was assisted by Tribe FM producers Vinna Wingur and Hazel Parpa.  “The students of Limana had so much to say on the issue, and I was pleased with their responses. I am thrilled with how the show’s third session went this afternoon,” said Hazel.  Media animator, Ivy Labradores was delighted that 


The next Chat Room session will be on Wednesday 3rdApril at 2:30pm at NBC.  The students from Don Bosco Technological  Institute, Boroko will share their views on the topic, ‘Safe family, Happy Family’.  

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