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Senate for Priestly Formation
Senate for Priestly Formation Secretary: Fr. Roshan Anthony Pillai OFM Cap

Position: Secretary for Senate for Priestly Formation and Rector of St. Fidelis Propaedeutic Seminary.
Job Description: Facilitate the Propaedeutic Program for the Priestly Formation
The Senate for Priestly Formation aims to assist the Bishops in various levels of formation in Papua New Guinea and Solomon
Islands. Currently, we are focused on implementing the Ratio Nationalis.
The role of the Senate for Priestly Formation is to follow directives from the bishops regarding priestly formation for PNG/SI. There are various levels of formation a seminarian must undergo if he is called to be a priest. Each level of formation is focused on
Human,Spiritual, Intellectual/Academic and Pastoral. The Ratio Nationalis guides eachinstitute in how a seminarian is to be formed in each level of formation. Part of therole of the Secretary for Priestly Formation is to coordinate with each institute andwork together in preparing a seminarian to be a good and holy priest.
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