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Migrants and Refugees Desk
Liturgical Catechetical Institute Director, Fr. Tomás Ravaioli IVE

Position: Director at the Liturgical Catechetical Institute
Job Description: To coordinate the liturgical, pastoral and biblical apostolate in PNG. We produce and distribute materials for the formation of the people of God in the Catholic Faith. We also organize courses and seminaries for priests, religious and laity for on-going formation.
Our Commission aims to make Jesus known and loved by the people in PNG, helping them to live according to his laws and commands. In other to love, it’s necessary to know because nobody can love what is not known. So, our aim is to make Jesus known, in order to be loved.
Our wish for the future is to boost the liturgical, pastoral, and biblical apostolate in the dioceses. It will be great if each diocese could have people that can help us to better do our job.
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