CBC General Secretary
CBC General Secretary - Fr Lawrence Arockiaraj (January 2025 - Present)
Duty Statement of the General Secretary of the Catholic Bishops Conference include:
1. The General Secretary is responsible for the coordination of plenary meetings of the Catholic Bishops Conference and activities arising from resolutions of the meetings and ongoing programs of the Catholic Bishops Conference.
2. The General Secretary makes contact with other Conferences of Bishops, particularly the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania (FCBCO), and facilitates cooperation with the Apostolic Nunciature and the Holy See.
3. The General Secretary will ensure that minutes of meetings of the Catholic Bishops Conference and its commissions and related bodies are maintained and distributed to members of the Conference.
4. The General Secretary works in close consultation with the Executive Committee (Central Committee) and the Finance Board of the Conference.
5. The General Secretary (supported by the Bishops appointed by the CBC for this purpose) takes responsibility for directing the formulation, implementation, review, and amendment of the conference pastoral plan for presentation to and acceptance by the CBC.
6. The General Secretary drafts (or coordinates the drafting of) correspondence and documentation arising from the minutes of the CBC, its ongoing programs, and correspondence with other individuals and bodies.
7. The General Secretary represents the Conference in various forums in which the Conference has interest and concern, including where required meetings with other church organizations, government and international organizations, and non-government or faith-based organizations.
8. The General Secretary is accountable to the President of the CBC and its Executive Committee.
9. The General Secretary will write an annual report of matters about the General Secretariat which will be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Bishops Conference.
10. The General Secretary will monitor developments at the National level of both countries involved in the Conference, particularly regarding implications for the Catholic Church and the general welfare of the people of the two countries.
11. The General Secretary will liaise with the heads of CBC Commissions and related CBC organizations, particularly regarding policies and programs of the Conference.
12. The General Secretary will assist in Pastoral care and the provision for the professional training of employees of the Catholic Bishops Conference.

Fr Lawrence Arockiaraj
General Secretary of the Catholic Bishops Conference Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
Get in Touch
(+675) 325 9577