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Honiara celebrates Exaltation of the Cross 

-          Leotina Akwai, Catholic Communication


Honiara, Solomon Islands: THOUSANDS of Christians from around the Archdiocese of Honiara and the other 2 Diocese, Gizo and Auki, yesterday, witnessed the Feast day of Exaltation of the Cross which had concluded after 3 days of celebration at the Holy Cross Cathedral.




The program which began on Friday 11th till Sunday 13th had completed with a Holy Mass celebrated by His Grace Archbishop Chris Cardone O.P, assisted by Bishop of Auki Diocese Peter Houhou, Fr. Pias of Holy name of Mary Seminary and Fr. Mark Misiwasi assistant Secretary to Catholic Bishops Conference PNG/SI.

Liturgy led by Couples for Christ and Family Ministries and Holy Cross Youth.


During the Homily, Bishop Peter Houhou highlighted the importance of the Cross as witnessed in the sign of the Cross and in the life of Christians.


He mentioned that, during baptized, Christian’s makes the sign of the Cross and this continues till the end of a person’s life on this earth, he said.


“We make the sign of the cross when baptized and we also see cross in the cemetery”, therefore,

“The cross is a sign of resurrected life”.

from L-R, Fr. Pias To'omae, Bishop Peter
Parishioners displayed cotemporary cultu
Sunday Scool Children performed during t
Archbishop Chris Cardone with Sebastian

He then further referred to the second reading taken from the book of Numbers 21:4-9 and Gospel reading John 3:13-17.


He explained to the christians “the second reading spoke about Moses who led Israelites out of Egypt and got bitten by Serpents because they had complained about of their journey, and God told Moses to “Make a fiery Serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live, He said,


Moreover, in the Gospel John 3:13-17, it spoke about the Serpent and the cross of Jesus Christ and the love of God to his people, continued Bishop Peter,


“We must lift up the Cross of Jesus just as Moses lift up the serpent, so that we have the eternal life God has promised” he said.


“Each and every one of us has vocation in this life, we must put the cross as our compass in life”,


“Therefore, let us celebrate today and everyday as our way of moving forward with the Cross of Jesus as the compass and not turning back” he ended.


Furthermore, In the Catholic Culture, “This day is also known as the Elevation of the Cross, Holy Cross Day, Holy Rood Day, or Roodmas”, and it falls on the 14th of September, however, due to 14 falls on Monday, therefore, the celebration was backdated for Sunday 13th.


The program continued with feasting and entertainments from the Holy Cross Parish youths and other Prayer Ministries till 4:30pm and closed with a Benediction / Rosary at 6pm.

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