Laity Commission
Secretary: Position Vacant

Greetings to all lay faithful of the Catholic Church of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands. I welcome you all to read information and updates of our commission. This is the Commission that represents the lay people at the Catholic Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island. It designs faith formation programs, workshops, seminars for dioceses and parishes. It also monitors and evaluate programs and conduct research to find out opportunities and challenges that the lay people are faced with.
You can read the following related articles also;
The three years of the Laity
Who is a Laity?
Three years of the Laity,2019-2021
Three years have been given for the Laity 2019-2021, each year has its own theme and is summarized as Our Catholic Laity: Holy and formed for Mission.
Call to Holiness-2019
The vocation of all Christians is the call to holiness (Lumen Gentium). “We foster growth in holiness when we seek to do our everyday tasks the best possible ; when we try to do as much like Christ ,taking time for prayer and living lives of service and we try to follow God’s law . Our first mission is to ourselves. Holiness is lived out in relationships (CBC, General Assembly. To the lay people is entrusted the task to be engaged society in which they live and directing it according to God’s will. They are to find the ways of bringing Christian teaching and life into the social, political, and economic world. Their ministry is directly to the world by transforming it according to the mind of Christ (LG31) The Lay Christians are called to transform the world. Catechism of the Catholics of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island, CCPNGSI, 320.To sustain our faith we need personal, family and community prayers, these are the fundamental connection to the vocation to the holiness.
Year of formation,2020
Though the word of God has arrived in PNG for more than a century, the education in faith is like a baby. Many of our lay people have very limited knowledge about the faith, bible and teaching of the Catholic Church. Therefore, am making my duty to provide workshop and training for faith development in each diocese as an ongoing program. I urged all laity to please get yourself a copy of the Catechism of the Catholics of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island (CCPNGSI) and read it use in your family and community prayer. In that way you become aware of the fundamental teachings and faith of the Catholic Church.
So far two workshops and training had been conducted from 9-14thMarch in the diocese of Vanimo and from 16-21stin the Archdiocese of Mt. Hagen.
Year for Mission, 2021
Next year is set for mission, thus we need good Catholics to be missionaries and evangelizers in our family, community, parish, and the diocese. Each one of us through the sacrament of Baptism shared the threefold mission of Christ as priest, prophet, and king. We are further strengthened by the sacrament of confirmation and nourished with the sacrament of holy Eucharist to keep our faith all through our lives.
Who is a Laity?
The term Laity sometimes referred to as ‘lay faithful’ we read in the constitution on the Church, LumenGentium-is understood to mean all the faithful except those in Holy Orders and those who belong to a religious state sanctioned by the church. The responsibilities arises from the reception of the sacrament of Baptism ;We become body of Christ members of the church ,the temple of the Holy Spirit, we become sharers of priestly ,prophetic and kingly role of Christ and become missionary disciples of Jesus (CCPNGSI:492,497-538). Through Baptism the lay faithful are made one body with Christ and are established among the people of God.(Christifideles Laici(On the Vocation and the Mission of the Lay-faithful in the Church and in the world) CL:9).
Pastoral Letter 2021, Officially Signed
- English