National Family Life Commission
Secretary: Sr Lucy D’Souza MSI

The adoption of the National Pastoral Plan of the Catholic Church in Papua New Guinea has set some clear guidelines before us and inspired us to move forward with new energy.
VISION: To Foster a Family alive in Christin the church and in the world
MISSION: To Strive to promote God’s Kingdom
By Witnessing the Good News
By Fostering growth in Holiness and faith for all
And by Encouraging fuller participation in the church and in the society to transform the world through the love of Christ.
The National Catholic Family Life contributes to the evangelization process by making every effort towards the total development of Christian families, so they become the Domestic Church Alive in Christ walk on the road of Holiness. It is our strong believe to contribute to this office the evangelization process by way of reaching out to all the couples to see, know and acknowledge our being as Christians in the way we live and bear witness. It is our dream too that we do the utmost we can support our family units through to encounter the social ills that interfere with the truth in evangelization.
We commit ourselves to uphold Christian Family values, making families aware of essential issues through the preparation of Community Christian Family; Leaders; organization of seminars, workshops; retreats and public events; publication of teaching materials; training of people working in associated fields and networking with the secretariats of the Catholic Bishops Conference, other Churches, Government and agencies and NGO’s.
Families: Alive in Christ We are committed to implement the Family Life National Pastoral Plan
We want all our families to be truly alive in Christ. As Catholics we understand this to mean that couples are happily married, they have remained chaste before marriage and faithful in marriage; they participate fully in the sacramental life of the Church, beginning with the sacrament of marriage. A happy marriage also means one without violence, open to the gift of children, and where couples communicate well.
The family, and intimate community of life and love is one of the most precious human values. We consider an ideal of Christian Family Life as one that is constantly:
Seeking wellbeing for all the members of the family
- Maintaining good communication within the family, listening to each other for deeper understanding
- Parents taking responsibility for their family, working as far as possible to take good care of themselves,
their children, senior people, and members of the family with special needs.
- Parents making good care of resources to work towards self-reliance as far as possible.
- Every member of the family respecting each other.
Serving Life
- Refraining from any form of violence.
- Respecting the procreative functions and using them wisely.
- Educating children for life in its fullness.
Participating in the development of society, Let the family be the foundation of a loving and just society, preparing their children to serve society and working for justice without covering crime.
Sharing the life and mission of the church through:
Family prayer.
- Attending church services and activities regularly.
- Receiving and living the sacraments of the church.
- Assisting in the church renders to all people.