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This is the official site of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands.

The stories and images  published promote the values of life, compassion, justice, equality, peace and unityWe hope that your browsing experience of the site's contents will be enjoyable and rewarding.


The CBC Secretariat is the central office of the Catholic Church in PNG and SI. The Secretariat relates to all the Archdioceses and Dioceses, mainly in a coordinating function. It organises the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the CBC and it helps to implement the decisions of these general meetings. It coordinates the various meetings to evaluate and promote the Conference Pastoral Plan. And finally, it coordinates the ministries of the various Commissions of the CBC.

Some of the Candidates posed with Archbi

Sacrament of Confirmation

Latest News

Some of the Candidates posed with Archbi

330 Children receive Sacrament of Confirmation

Archdiocese of Honiara Correspondent

Honiara: A total of 330 children of St. Mary Tanagai Parish received the sacrament of confirmation on Sunday 18th October in the Archdiocese of Honiara.

Group Picture before Closing Eucharist .

'Human Integrity' stressed in Chaplin Workshop

Nigel Akuani

Port Moresby: Virtues, values and integrity were but some of the principles and human qualities stressed during a constructive National Level Chaplain Workshop focused at improving the service delivery of Chaplaincies throughout Papua New Guinea.

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DBTI Retreat for Graduating Students

Regina Wayi, INS4, DBTI

Port Moresby: 49 final year students of Don Bosco Technological Institute, Boroko were given the opportunity to spend time in silence, prayer and reflection during the Spiritual Retreat for the graduating students.


National Churches Education Council Partners with DFAT

Nigel Akuani

Port Moresby: Thanks to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the National Churches Education Council has endorsed its Constitution and Management Policies before its official launching set for 6th November.

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ISFF20 Raises Awareness of Environment & COVID-19

Nigel Akuani

Port Moresby: The International Short Film Festival (ISFF20) has left many with a heightened sense of awareness to care much more for the environment and the need to take precautions in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic.

1 Abp Panfilo greeeting the people.heic.

Abp Emeritus Panfilo farewelled

Fr Ambrose Pereira SDB

Rabaul: Archbishop Francesco Panfilo sdb, was given an emotional farewell by the people of the three deaneries of the Archdiocese of Rabaul. The celebration was held at Vunapope on the 28th September, 2020. 

1 Abp Rochus receiving the statue of Our

Culture & Spirituality marks celebration of new Archbishop

Nigel Akuani & Fr Ambrose Pereira SDB

Vunapope, Rabaul: A vibrant cultural extravaganza followed the prayerful Eucharistic celebration on 29th September, 2020 at Vunapope, Rabaul to honour the newly installed Archbishop of Rabaul, His Grace Archbishop Rochus Josef Tatamai MSC.

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Installation Mass for First Local Archbishop of Rabaul

Nigel Akuani 

Vunapope, Rabaul: A grand Installation Mass of the first local and 8th Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Rabaul, His Grace Rochus Josef Tatamai MSC was held on Tuesday 29th September, at the Vunapope Sacred Heart Cathedral, East New Britain Province.


Salesians Silver Jubilee

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