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Annual Priests' Retreat held in Kefamo, Diocese of Goroka

Fr. Peter Kopil

Kefamo, Goroka: The annual Priests’ retreat at Kefamo in Goroka Diocese was conducted successfully by Fr. Tomàs Ràvaioli IVE from the Liturgical Catechetical Institute (LCI), for the twenty-five priests from the Archdiocese of Mt. Hagen with Archbishop Douglas Young SVD, beginning on Sunday on July 30 and ending on August 5, 2023.

The week long retreat was full of surprises but inspirational and challenging as the director led and explored the mysteries of the book of Revelations chapters 1, 2, and 3 in comparison to the lifestyle of Priests in various ministries. Fr. Ràvaioli invited the priests to find the strengths and weaknesses in the seven churches in Asia with the letters from the Lord.

He said every church has some good points to be praised and be rewarded but they also have some bad points to be acknowledged, do penance and confessions. We as priests are not far from situations as such described by the Lord in his letters to the seven churches in Asia.

Fr. Paul Gunbi with other brother priests said unlike other retreats, this retreat has really challenged them to look into their spiritual lives and clean up the unnecessary things that hinder them in their respective ministries.

Archbishop Douglas Young SVD, in his remarks during the mass thanked Fr. Tomas and reminded his priests that there is constant presence of the devil out there that we all have to be aware of in our respective ministries.

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