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Ahisha Mangot

Christ is Alive in our PNG Youth - Says Bishop Auram

More than ten thousand young people welcomed Pope Francis to Sir John Guise Stadium for the youth festival on Monday before leaving for East Timor.

(Youth Commission Assistant Bishop Deputy His Lordship Bishop John Bosco Auram gifting the Holy Father with an image of Blessed Peter Torot)

The final program of his Apostolic and State Visit to Papua New Guinea, His Holiness had an encounter with the youth. Upon arrival at the Sir John Guise Stadium, the Pope toured several times by golf cart among the young people present. At Approximately 9.30am, after a welcome dance, the meeting began.


The Youth Encounter saw the Assistant Bishop Deputy for the Youth Commission of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands Bishop John Bosco Auram giving his welcome address to Papa Santu.


Most Reverend Bishop John Bosco Auram in his welcome address to the Pope expressed the anticipation of young people for this particular encounter.


“We have been looking forward to this encounter with you.  We know that you have a profound pastoral heart for the young.  This closeness led you to convoke the Synod of Bishops on Young People in 2018.  Since then you have given us fatherly affection and guidance through your Apostolic Exhortation Christus vivit where you called us to be the “now” of God, and you proclaimed and reminded us that “God loves us”, that “Christ saves us”, that “Jesus is alive”, and that “the Holy Spirit gives life”.  Your Holiness, your presence now truly tells us, “Christ is Alive,” expressed Bishop Auram.


Bishop Auram also thanked his holiness for the World Youth Day messages, which are precious guides to keep the youth on track in the journey of faith with Jesus Christ. He also added that the message instilled confidence and friendship and is served as a reminder for young people that they are both recipients as well as agents of evangelization.


“Holy Father, in this encounter with our young people, you will hear about the reality, including the challenges, of living the Christian life in this particular culture and context.  Our young people face deep-seated challenges such as living Christian values within the family and society, limited opportunities for growth and development, the strong influence of modern life, various frustrations stemming from unfulfilled expectations of society, government and even the Church.  However, the greatest challenge for them is to discover Christ within and amidst these realities and situations” added Bishop Auram.


Bishop Auram expressed his gratitude to the pope stating that his presence will strengthen and encourage everyone to be authentic witnesses of a redeemed youthful life.


Bishop Auram ended his welcome address saying, “Holy Father, with great fondness, I welcome you to this priceless encounter with the young.  As they express themselves with songs, dances, messages and cheers, please watch and listen with your heart, as you always do. May this Youth Festival in your presence truly proclaim, “Christ is Alive in our PNG Youth”

(Representatives from Don Bosco Technical School)


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