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Jessica Oata

Corporate Bosco launched in DBTI

Boroko, Port Moresby: Past Pupils from Don Bosco Technological Institute, Don Bosco Technical School, Don Bosco Simbu Tehcnical College, Don Bosco Araimiri Secondary School and Vunabosco living in Port Moresby together with their families, friends and the Salesian Priests’ representatives gathered at Don Bosco Technological Institute on Sunday, July 2 to witness the historical moment of the launching of Corporate Bosco.

The program began with a lively thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration that also saw the executives of Corporate Bosco take their oath before the congregation and the Salesian Provincial Superior.

In his homily, Salesian Provincial Superior Fr. Gregorio Bicomong SDB highlighted the law of sacrifice and the love of Jesus in every Christian person’s life.

Fr. Gregorio stressed that in order to go up, we must give up something, even if it means totally giving up the things that we love most.

“If you want to pass your exams, you have to give up your time for entertainment and leisure, likewise, if you want to resurrect with Christ, you must make a sacrifice and give up materialistic things that hinder you from fully living your faith as a Christian”, he said.

A post-mass celebration was held at the gym with speeches, fun games, and group picture sessions to commemorate the occasion and a guest performance by one of PNG’s artists, Mereani Masani.

Addressing the past pupils, Fr. Edwin said Corporate Bosco was a longtime dream the Salesians in PNG had to establish an organization for past pupils of Don Bosco.

He said the name Corporate Bosco was chosen to signify that past pupils are now in a position to help their fellow Bosconians in the country.

“Don Bosco has produced people who hold high positions in companies, organizations and even in the government departments who are able to network and help others who are still looking for employment or mentor others who are still making their way up the corporate ladder”

Corporate Bosco is an association comprising of past pupils from the different Don Bosco schools in the country to network with each other to keep the Bosconian spirit alive both inside and outside of their respective professions.

The office bearers of Corporate Bosco include:

  • Leslie Brown - National President

  • Basil Pumpara - National Vice President

  • Hubert Tulungenaram - National Treasurer

  • Patrina Kaboanga - National Secretary

  • Delsie Maulangi - Gen Y Executive Councillor

  • Shaun Ilias - Gen X Executive Councilor

  • Dr. Catherine Nongkas - Friends Executive Councilor

  • Joe Hae Junior - Don Bosco Araimiri Executive Councillor

  • Jack Kiapin - Don Bosco Gabutu Executive Councilor

  • Winter Robert - Don Bosco ENB Executive Councilor

  • Isabella Saleu - Don Bosco Simbu Executive Councilor

  • Bonzak Nomsing - DBTI Executive Councilor

  • Raphael Apisai - Information Technology Executive Councilor

  • Francis Gemo - Technical Support and Logistics Executive Councilor

  • Jeremiah Kihanges - Executive Councilor: Legal Councilor

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