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CPNG launches new logo, vision & mission statement

Abigail Seta

Port Moresby: Caritas Papua New Guinea (CPNG) officially launched its new logo and vision and mission statement at a brief ceremony on Monday, 20th September at the Catholic Bishops Conference (CBC), Port Moresby.

Present to unveil the logo and statements were Abp Anton Bal, President of CBC and Bp Jozef Roszynski, Deputy Bishop of CPNG. Joining the ceremony were the CBC Central Committee members, staff of CBC and media personnel. Connecting via zoom was the Caritas Oceania Secretary, Sophie Jenkins, the Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand Director, Julianne Hickey and the Caritas coordinators in PNG.

Before the unveiling, Bp Jozef, gave an insight on the logo, vision and mission and also shared some information of the agency.

“The past couple of years was a time of reflection and learning following the few challenges of the past. With the support of the board, CPNG gradually rebounded and shows promise. This occasion is a testament to that,” he said.

According to Bp Jozef, it was in 2020 that a decision was made to change the logo of CPNG, and the design of the logo was outsourced to schools in the country with rewards being offered for the best three entries. The winning design was by a student from Don Bosco Technological Institute, Boroko.

“The new logo has the universal Caritas symbol of the red flaming cross and the bird of paradise at the centre of the cross. It is our identity as Papua New Guinean Caritas Agency,” said Bp Jozef.

In his speech, Abp Anton Bal spoke of Caritas being the expression of the Churches love and concern for the poor and the needy. He said that the launch of the logo, vision and mission will give us direction and help us to focus on areas of responsibility so we can respond accordingly.

Following the speeches was the official unveiling of the logo, vision and mission statement that was displayed on a pull-up banner. The vision and mission statement reads:

Vision: All those we live, work with and serve, truly experience belonging to God’s Kingdom, inspired by the Gospel, Catholic Social Teaching, and the model of Jesus’ servant leadership.

Mission: Caritas staff and volunteers will demonstrate and promote the love and life of God’s Kingdom by:

· serving and defending the poor, vulnerable and marginalised;

· promoting a commitment to compassion and justice through:

· integral human development education

· building peace

· responding to those affected by disasters

· advocating for those who have no voice

CPNG is the Justice, Peace, Relief & Development Agency of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands.



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