Rabaul, ENB Province: In this school year 2022, the community day took place over two days, from March 17 - 18, 2022 at the Don Bosco Technical Secondary School in Kokopo.
The first day saw the Eucharistic celebration as a gesture of thanksgiving to the Lord who brings us together, and who allows us to live together as brothers and sisters of the same family. The mass was celebrated by the Rector, Fr. Moise Paluku and concelebrated by Fr. Juna, the spiritual moderator.
In his homily, Father Moise showed the importance of community life and living it in communion with one another. Living this spirit of family, of fraternity, just means that we need each other to grow, succeed and build our life and society. The other is not seen as an obstacle, but as a help for our good. He invites students to be open to teachers, and teachers to be available to listen and accompany students with great love.
This day is also in honor of the Rector of the community and, like Don Bosco, is the center of community unity; we pray for our Rector Fr. Moise so that through the intercession of Saint John Bosco, he may be Father, Master and Friend of all.
The second day was dedicated solely to sports activities. The theme of this day is: “Love through sports”. It was indeed a competition in the different sports disciplines such as: Running, High jump, Long jump, Triple jump, shot put etc… the competition took place between the different houses of the community: Yellow House, Red House, Blue House and Green House. All this, in an atmosphere of brotherhood, friendship and joy.
We thank the Lord for his assistance during these two days of community, may he himself further strengthen our bonds of brotherhood and friendship.