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Holy Family Parish - Kindeng celebrates three milestones.

Sr Mary Lilian SND

Mt Hagen: Parishioners of the Holy Family Parish in Kindeng in the Archdiocese of Mount Hagen came together to celebrate three milestones in their Parish on Sunday December 29, 2024.

(Coadjutor Archbishop Clement Papa administering the sacrament of confirmation to the candidates.)

The milestones include the opening of the church that was renovated by the parishioners themselves, the Silver Jubilee of two priests: Fr Bonepas Omba and Fr. Kasper Waop and two hundred Catholic faithful receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation administered by Coadjutor Archbishop Clement Papa.

Gathered were more than three thousand people to witness the significant milestones including priests, religious, seminarians and the laity.

Everyone went away in happy spirits rejoicing with the Holy Family Parish for the faith which continues to increase on special solemnities. 

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