Gerehu, Port Moresby: Students, teachers, members of the Board of Governors and stakeholders gathered at St Charles Lwanga Secondary School to witness the grand opening of a new learning facility on Thursday, February 24th.
Present at the opening were His Eminence Cardinal Sir John Ribat; Principal of St Charles Lwanga, Br. Joyman Mathew SG; St Charles Lwanga Parish Priest, Fr. Patrick Bai MSC; National Planning Acting Secretary, Mr. Roger Kara and his team.
The program began with a lively and colourful procession of the guests by the Motuan students to the new building for the blessing by His Eminence Sir John Cardinal Ribat. Following the opening and blessing of the building were speeches by the invited guests.
In his address, Principal Br Joyman Mathew SG, thanked everyone who contributed one way or another for the project to be successful and the guests for making time available to attend the joyous occasion.
His Eminence Cardinal Ribat congratulated the school for the opening of their new learning facility and urged the students to look after the building.
“There is a great need for classrooms in our schools, therefore, you must appreciate and look after this new building as it will be here for you and those who will come after you”, he said.
Chairman of the St Charles Lwanga Secondary School, Patrick Keanga, in his speech acknowledged the parents for their support and donations towards funding the project.
“Since the school opened, our parents, past and present, have been very generous when it comes to school projects and I am proud to tell you that they have contributed K1million towards this parents and citizens project”, he said.
The three-story learning facility was built at a total cost of K1.9million and includes a sick bay, an audio and visual room, a staffroom space, a computer lab for the upper secondary and classroom spaces.