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Writer's pictureJessica Oata

Papal Visit Logistics Committee celebrates Thanksgiving with Eucharist

Waigani: Mary Queen of the Pacific was the hosting Parish for the Thanksgiving Eucharist of the Logistics Committee of the Papal Visit 2024 on Saturday September 2024. 

(Group picture taken after the thanksgiving mass with Mons Bravi in centre.)

Presiding over the Eucharistic celebration was the Charge d’Affaires to the Apostolic Nunciature Monsignor Maurizio Bravi with Fr Albert Lenon SDB, Fr Guillermo Tadena MSP, Fr Edward Ante, Fr Giorgio Licini PIME, Fr Matthew PIME and Fr Ambrose Pereira SDB as concelebrants.

Present were members of the different sub committees of the Logistics Committee as well as members of the Catholic Professionals Society.

A moving homily fitting for the occasion was given by Fr Ambrose Pereira SDB.

He reflected on the months of preparation leading up to a very unique event in the history of the Church in PNG and highlighted that it is important to take up what the Holy Father shared with us during the Papal Visit - make it our own in our local context and ensure that it is shared with our people. 

“Let’s not forget what the Holy Father said. ‘Papua New Guinea is so far away from Rome. Yet, it is so close to the Heart of the Church’. We’re gathered here to give thanks to God, to the people who made it happen and we give thanks to all who participated for a very peaceful event that brought us far from messages not only for our Catholics but for the wider members of society”.

Fr Ambrose highlighted three points in his homily: our faith, our witness and the aspect.

Faith: As we encounter the ups and downs, the difficulties, perhaps the cause of our journey. We need to stick to our faith. Our faith will see us through challenging moments.

“The Holy Father reminded us during his visit to APEC Haus that faith can become a lived culture, inspiring minds and actions and becoming a beacon of light that illuminates the path forward”.

Witness: It’s wonderful that we were able to bring in multitudes for both the Eucharist celebration for the Papal Visit and so while we are witnessing our faith, we also need to pray for our brothers, our sisters and our children and those we know that have left the church and are no longer celebrating the sacraments that they may come back to the church.

Service: We have spent months preparing for a climax, we’ve celebrated the event and we have to ensure that we reap the fruits of service.  By your life of service, you have brought people close to God.

“It was not an easy task, and sadly sometimes we fall because of our pride and ego. Thank you for your smile and hope. There can be no journey without suffering”. 

He concluded by reminding everyone that we are wantoks of love in service.

Following the mass, Mons Bravi in his remarks thanked everyone in the logistics team for their dedication and commitment

“The Pope’s visit will remain in the history of this country and I am sure it will remain in the heart of each individual”.

Meanwhile Catholic Professionals Society President and Chair of the Logistics Committee gave a heartwarming speech thanking all the members for their dedication and effort put together to pull off a successful Papal Visit despite the challenges faced.

“My A-team were the pillars behind the success and smooth flow of the logistics arrangements. They gave it their all despite being faced with so many challenges and I today I give credit to each and everyone of them”.

He concluded by adding that the Papal Visit has now been the fourth major event that CPS has played a major role in organising. Other notable events include: working in collaboration with CBC PNGSI to coordinate the Federation of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Oceania in 2018, working with the PNG Government to organise the State Funeral for the late Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare and Organising Dynamic Deacon Harold Burke - Sivers visit to PNG.

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