UPNG CHAPLAINCY, PORT MORESBY: The University of Papua New Guinea Catholic Students (UPNGCSA) were privileged to be in the presence of His Lordship Bishop Peter Houhou, from Gizo Diocese, Solomon Islands during the third Sunday of Easter mass, the Holy Mass was celebrated at the UPNG chapel, Waigani Campus with the liturgy led by the UPNG CSA.
(His Lordship Bishop Peter Houhou from the Diocese of Auki takes a group picture with the UPNG CSA. Picture: Priscilla Tarcusy)
During his homily, the Bishop started with events that happened during the Holy Week. With which he highlighted; the initiation of the Holy Eucharist on Holy Thursday; the torture and death of Jesus Christ on Good Friday; and the rising and victory of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday.
His Lordship delivered the message to be, being able to look back and evaluate one’s life, and how well one can protect life. Leaving the questions in the hearts of these young and keen students; “How can we protect life in our societies, in Papua New Guinea and in the Solomon Islands? Are we going to keep our faith behind locked doors?”
Adding to his sharing, he told the students that even as believers of Christ, we are sometimes blinded by the earthly ways and we fail to see Jesus. That is why during Eucharistic masses, when we eat from the table of the Eucharist and the Table of the Word, we can become strong in our faith and that is when we see Jesus in our lives and that of other people.
After the Mass, the President of the UPNG Catholic Students Association, Mr. Melchior Opiti acknowledged His Lordship Peter Houhou by saying that it was the first time, a Bishop had visited the UPNG chaplaincy, ever since he had walked in as a freshman. Making it such a splendid and wonderful experience for the president, and the entire student association too.
Supporting the president’s highlights, was a member of the congregation Mrs. Veronica Pilon who also mentioned that ever since she started working with the University in 2016, this would be the first Bishop who had set foot in UPNG chaplaincy to celebrate the Holy Mass.
The Catholic Students Association of the University of Papua New Guinea is thankful to the Catholic Bishops Conference for organizing the Bishop to be with them and celebrate mass and are requesting more visits from the Bishops.