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Ahisha Mangot

Young people share Testimonies of Hope with the Holy Father

Pope Francis concluded his Apostolic and State Visit to Papua New Guinea by meeting with the young people of the country on Monday 9th September 2024 accompanied by a unique blend of sound and colour.

More than ten thousand young people gathered at the Sir John Guise Stadium singing and chanting, giving a lively and joyous atmosphere. The stadium was filled with young people and students from within the city and country attending Catholic run schools and institutions.


The program saw the Assistant Bishop Deputy for the Youth Commission of CBC PNGSI giving his welcome address followed by inspiring accounts of life and experiences of young people living their Catholic faith shared through performances of songs, traditional dance and testimonies.


The first testimony was about difficulties and struggles of young people and the consequences that follow poor decision making. This testimony was shared by Bernadette Turmoni, a young girl who grew up being a youth member of the Legion of Mary.


She expressed that there are many challenges youths are faced with, but do not know how to resolve them.


 “We all come from families which are meant to shape and mold us into our future selves.  How is it possible today that one of the issues affecting young people and our society is abuse in the family?”


This problem has caused a lot of youths to lose hope but despite these challenges one must not lose hope, said Bernadette.


“I believe that our purpose here on earth is to live in obedience to God, to love and serve him, and to evangelize as Jesus did because he himself is forever young. As you, Holy Father, said in Christus Vivit, God is always alive and so we too must be alive (cfr. Christus Vivit, 1) added Bernadette.


Sharing the second testimony was Ryan Vulum a youth leader who comes from a broken home.


“I came from a broken family and I had nowhere else to go.  The church became my refuge; the church and its teachings gave me the strength to carry out my duties as a youth leader despite the challenges and struggles that occurred,” said Ryan.


He also talked about the importance of support and the need for young people to talk to about their problems as many young people find it difficult to do so.


“Sadly, a large number of young people find it very difficult to communicate with their parents because their parents are separated.  As a result, many young people turn to taking harmful substances and being involved in illegal activities and lose all hope in life.


However, he encouraged all Catholic couples to receive and preserve the sacrament of matrimony so that they become strong families and members of the church to continue to welcome young people and involve them in decision making for a better local church.


 Ms Patricia Harricknen Korpok, a young member of the Catholic Professional Society shared the third testimony, talking about the challenges faced as witnesses of the Catholic Faith and also the negative influences of the society.


“No matter where we find ourselves, at home, work, church, with friends, we encounter the many challenges of our time, especially the negative influence of society, sports and entertainment industries, social media and technology,” said Ms Korpok.

She said taking a stand on social, political, economic, environmental, and human rights concerns through the lens of our Christian faith for the good of our people and country has not always been easy.


“However, we advocate for the common good and wellbeing of our people, for those who do not have a voice and those who are marginalized,” stressed Ms Korpok


The testimonies shared reflected struggles and challenges but the Pope responded with hopeful messages that will be remembered for a lifetime.


In response to the testimonies, the Holy Father encouraged everyone to keep going despite our own moments of shortcomings.


“In life we can all fall, all of us! Is it important not to fall but more importantly is to get back up. Don't stay down. If you see a friend, a companion your age who has fallen, what should you do? Laugh at that? No, You are to look at him and help him get up. “

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